
対戦相手の行動に対する素早い反応を成功の尺度とする状況において、競争的な活動についての幅広い経験を持つ読者は、この非常に価値のあるパフォーマンス状態 − 規律のある無知状態(ノーナッシングステート) − を認識するでしょう。あらゆる武道、テニス、ラケットボール、ハンドボール、スカッシュ、野球、サッカー、フットボール等は、競争のかなりの部分が、それらが丁度そこにあるかのような反応 − 言葉無しで飛び上がる稲妻のような素早い反応 − に依存しています。




The Know-nothing State and some Implications

We begin the discussion of the know-nothing state by analogy.

Those readers who have extensive experience in competitive activities, in situations where lightening quick responses to actions by their opponent are the measure of success, will recognize this highly valued performance state -
a disciplined no-know-nothing state. In any martial art, tennis, racquetball, handball, squash, baseball, soccer, football... there are significant portions of the competition that depend on such responses - lightening quick responses that spring forward withoutl anguage−they are just there.

Our favorite example is competition in martial arts
Aikido, for example. In such a competition, suppose we decide prior to beginning the competition through an analysis, let's say, ofthe strengths and weaknesses of the opponent that she is likely to open with acertain maneuver X, and we bias our position (balance, muscle tension...) to respond to X. If we are facing a worthy opponent we have, in effect, already lost the match. She will detect the bias (unconsciously) and select (again unconsciously) an opening that exploits the bias we are expressing and the match will be over quite quickly, and most definitely in her favor.


Entry into this know-nothing state consists in eschewing any expectations, a refusal to anticipate what will occur in favor of putting yourself in a balanced resourcestate with no bias toward any specific course of action, freed of internal representations in all channels, your attention cleanly committed to sensing externally what is occurring and with all the response patterns of the game equally accessible. Such a state (sometimes called "being in thezone") releases to the unconscious the right and responsibility to select which ever of the many patterns practiced over long periods of preparation isoptimal in response to what your opponent is doing. This occurs without the involvement of the conscious mind. This greatly accelerates the speed of the response and guarantees that the performer will display the most appropriate of the choices available at the Entry unconscious level.

('Whispering in the Wind' p.236-237)


Whispering In The Wind

John Grinder
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
John and Carmen Enterprises

